St. Anthony’s High School & College 3-Cecil Chaudhry Road, Lahore
1st Tab: Department ACE
(Academic Center for Excellence)
A body consisting of three experts form the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), ACE monitors and coordinates the entire academic activities in the institution and periodically suggests and introduces changes where necessary. They submit weekly analytical reports to the principal.
2nd Tab: School Admission Policy
- Inquiry/ Information.
- Registration.
- Attend interview/ test.
- Result Intimation.
- Admission procedure.
- Deposit all fees.
- First day at school.
1: Inquiry/ information
The parents are requested to visit the school main Office for Admission information. Parents / Guardians will be intimated the date of admission, school timings, and uniform & textbook, fee structure, entry test syllabus and future admission Inquiry. They are also invited to visit the school campus to understand the culture and ethos of the Institution.
- a) School office hours Monday to Friday: 8a.m to 2 p.m.
- b) Saturday: 9a.m to 1 p.m.
2: Registration
- a) Obtain the registration form and voucher from main office.
- b) Submit the form, paid voucher at main office.
- C) Get the appointment for interview/ test.
3: Interview & Test:
Accordingly to the schedule given please be present for interview. Both parents should be present for interview. Parents cannot be replace by other individuals, expect in case of orphans/ single parents.
4: Result Intimation
- a) Result will be announced after three working days & informed to parents/ guardian through school office number.
- b) Those who obtain 60% marks in each subject will be considered as pass/ selected for admission.
5: Admission Procedure
If the admission is confirmed visit the main office and obtain,
- a) Admission form.
- b) Admission fee challan form, paid admission and monthly fee.
- c) List of documents required.
- d) Book list and uniform list.
- e) School diary.
- f) A copy of the computer generated admission form for your records.
- g) Admission number of the student.
6: Deposit admission fee.
- a) After Confirmation of the admission deposit admission fee at fee office.
- b) Fees are charged for the annual academic year (April to March) and are payable monthly within the given due date.
- c) Selected candidates will be required to make the fee payment within 7 days of the declaration of the result
- d) All fees once paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
7: First day at School
- a) Leave the child at least10 minutes before the school starts.
- b) Obtain monthly fee voucher from fee office.
- c) Admission confirmation slip with mentioned section will be given to Coordinator of the concern dept. They will receive the child.
- d) If you wish to have a long discussion with teacher and coordinator please get an appointment for class report.
- Virtual Visit of school ( video)
3rd Tab: Test and Interview Procedure
- A formal interview with both the parents will be taken.
- Child must be present at the time of interview.
- Age of the child must be 3 to 3.5 years.
- Child must be toilet trained.
- Child must be able to answer basic questions about his/her name, father’s name, mother’s name etc.
- Registration form must be with the parents at the time of interview.
- Timely arrivals will be appreciated.
- Selected child will be informed by phone and email.
Nursery to Class X:
- Applicants for Nursery to class Two are tested in three subjects (English, Urdu, and Mathematics).
- Applicants for class Three onwards, will be tested in subjects (English, Urdu, Mathematics and Science).
- For written test the child should come equipped with the stationery.
- The tests are of general nature, designed to assess the knowledge and understanding of the child in the core subjects. Maximum 60% marks in all subjects will be required.
- Successful students will appear for the interview.
- If the student passes the test and does well in the interview, the student is offered admission. However, in all cases, the admission is up to the discretion of the school management, based on the availability of seats.
4th Tab: Academic Policies
- Student should be able to read, write, speak and understand English and Urdu Language
- Standard curriculum will be followed by our school system (SNC).
- 50% marks are required to be obtained in each subject and assessments for promotion to next class
- Failed to meet the required number of attendance will result in automatic “strike off rolls”. To continue re-admission will be required.
Examination Rules
- All school rules must be observed throughout the entire exam.
- Long leaves will not be approved 2 weeks before examination.
- Short leaves will not be allowed during examinations.
- Students are required to bring their own writing materials and mathematical instruments. No borrowing, lending or exchange of any materials is allowed during the Assessments/Exams
- Students are advised to read the questions carefully. No marks are awarded for extra questions answered or any information not asked for in the questions
- Students must bring their own answer sheets for major exams and assessments i.e. foolscap sheets etc.
- In Assessments students will have 2 papers per day.
- Mid-year and Final examination will contain 20% of selected parts of previous terms/assessments syllabus.
- All missed Assessment or exam will be taken on the date determined by the school management one week after the Mid-year (it would be on Friday and Saturday)
- Rs.300/- per paper will be charged for Re-Test. Fee defaulters will not have this facility
- Students will have Re-Test of only five subjects i.e. Science, English, Mathematics, Urdu and Social Studies. All these will be taken within two days
- If any student requests for conditional promotion it will be granted on terms and conditions.
- In promotion result, marks of holiday homework, assessments and Mid-Term will be added. (H.HW 10%, Assessment 20%, Mid-year 35%, Final 40%)
- Class 8 will have their Midterm Exams, right after the summer holidays and Pre-Ninth classes will begin soon after exam.
Home Work policy
- Student should take responsibility for their any missed class work.
- Homework should be done on regular basis i.e. no late submissions of homework, projects and assignments will be accepted.
- All answers will not be done by the teachers. Students will be given work to improve creative learning.
- To create the creative writing, spelling checking will be done by the students not by the teachers. Teacher will just indicate the mistakes.
- Peer- correction of copies is also the standard checking of the school.
- Course books are not to be taught page by page.
- Educational trips will be added to class participation and marked accordingly.
- Change of section is not allowed except of very grave reasons.
5th Tab: Matriculation and Cambridge
The school offers two streams of study.
- Matriculation
The school teaches the Single National Curriculum -2021 which leads to the Secondary School Certificate Examination of the Board with stress on; Islamiyat/Ethics, English, Urdu, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Pakistan-Studies and Mathematics.
The two-year matriculation course is spread over 30 months as Pre-9th, 9A and 10A classes.
- Cambridge International Examination (O Levels)
Cambridge curriculum is taught to those students who wish to sit for Cambridge O-Level examination with stress on Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business, Accounts , Economics , English as second language, Urdu (both as first language and as second language) Mathematics, Pakistan Studies, Religious Studies/Islamiyat. In both streams mentioned above further stress is laid on life skills by inculcating the practice of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Trends in the International Mathematics and Science Study. (TIMSS)
Cambridge curriculum is spread over 36 months as O-1, O-2 and O-3.
- The detailed syllabus to be covered in each term and in each subject along with respective homework assignments are made available on the school website.
- The medium of instruction at St. Anthony’s is English. Hence every inducement is offered to encourage the use of English in and out of the classroom, on the school premises, to lead the pupils to attain proficiency in the language. Therefore, to improve the standard of English it is compulsory for all, be they students or teachers to speak English. This will better equip the students to understand their lessons and give them a chance to practice their English speech.
The major tests during the year are:
- Mid-Year Exam (October)
- End of the Year Exam (February)
In addition to these, short assessment tests are held at the end of the syllabus A & B for the first term and at the end of D & E in the second term. These tests are carefully devised and conducted to the mutual benefit of the student and staff. As a rule, in assessment tests two papers are held in a day and terminal examination one paper a day without a break.
The results are punctually entered in the student’s individual record in the school data base and are available for scrutiny and endorsement by the parent at the parent – teacher meetings.
In addition to the monthly tests, Pre Board Examination I & II for matriculation and Qualifying Examinations I &II for Cambridge are scheduled according to the requirements of the external boards.
6th Tab: Timeline
There are 51 weeks in academic calendar of our school with 186 teaching, assessments and exams days. The year is divided into 3 examination periods. (Assessments, Mid Term & Final Exams).
Assessment/ Exams | Weeks | Dates | Teaching Days | Assessments Dates
Syllabus A
| Week 1 to 6 | 20th March -30th April ( spring holidays 20th -26th March) | 20 teaching days (excluding Easter & Eid Holidays ) | 1st Assessment 2nd -5thMay, 23 |
Syllabus B ( Including Summer H.HW)
| Week 7 to 20
| 2nd May- 31st July | 23days(excluding Summer holidays) |
2nd Assessment 15th – 18th Aug, 23 |
Syllabus C
| Week 21 to 32 | 1st August – 24th October | 45 days | Mid-year Exams 16th-24th Oct ,23 |
Syllabus D
| Week 33 to38 | 25th October -30th November | 35 days | 3rd Assessment 11th – 14th Dec, 23
Syllabus E
| Week 39 to 44 | 1st Dec to 12th Jan 2024 | 28 days ( including Christmas holidays ) | 4th Assessment 15th – 18th Jan 24
Syllabus F Final syllabus | Week 45 to 51 | 22nd January –5th February 2024 | 35 days | Final Exams 15th February, 24 |
Total | 51 Weeks | 186 Days |
- In Assessments students will have 2 papers per day.
Mid-year Exams:
- The mid-year exams will be held from 16th to 24th Syllabus will be completed by 6th October 2023.
- From 9th to 13th October students will have revision and oral exams.
- Examination timings will be 7:30 am to 10:00am.
- 20% of the syllabus will be added from previous assessments.
- Result will be declared one week after the last paper.
Final Exams:
- The final examination syllabus will be completed by 2nd February, 24.
- Oral exams will be held from 5th February, 24.
- Written examinations will start from 15th February,
- (Final examination will contain 20% of the selected part of each syllabus.
- There will be one paper a day.
- Examination timings will be 8:30 am to 10:30 am.
- Result will be declared one week after the last paper.
Note: All dues must be cleared before each Exam.
Syllabus Content:
- From textbooks (30%)
- In notebooks (30%)
- Creative & analytic work. (40%)
Parents Teacher Meetings:
There will be two parent teachers meeting;
- On 20th May 2023 (Saturday, 7:30am-12:00 noon).
- On 3rd November 2023 (Saturday, 8:30am-1: 00 pm )
- A formal invitation for meeting will be sent to the parents.
- A form will be provided to the parent on which they are required to write the issues they wish to discuss.
- Parents must submit the form at least 2 days before PTM.
7th Tab: Mark Division:
Assessments: 25 Marks for each subject.
Oral Exam: One week (4 days) before the Examination.
Followings are the mark division of oral and written exams.
Oral Exams | Mid & Final Written Exams | ||
Subject | Marks | Subject | Marks |
English | 25 | English | 50 |
Urdu | 25 | Urdu | 50 |
G.K | 10 | Maths | 50 |
Art | 25 |
Oral Exams | Mid & Final Written Exams | ||
Subject | Marks | Subject | Marks |
English | 25 | English | 50 |
Urdu | 25 | Urdu | 50 |
Computer | 15 | Maths | 50 |
G.K | 15 | Art | 50 |
Class Prep
Oral Exams | Mid & Final Written Exams | ||
| ||
Subject | Marks | Subject | Marks |
English | 25 | English | 50 |
Urdu | 25 | Urdu | 50 |
Religion | 25 | Maths | 50 |
S.Studies | 50 | ||
Computer | 25 | ||
Art | 25 |
Class 1 -3
Oral Exams | Mid & Final Written Exams | ||
Subject | Marks | Subject | Marks |
English | 50 | English | 100 |
Urdu | 50 | Urdu | 100 |
Religion | 50 | Maths | 100 |
S.Studies | 100 | ||
Computer | 50 | ||
Religion | 50 | ||
Art | 50 |
Class 4
Oral Exams | Mid & Final Written Exams | ||
Subject | Marks | Subject | Marks |
English | 50 | English | 100 |
Urdu | 50 | Urdu | 100 |
Religion | 50 | Maths | 100 |
Science | 100 | ||
S.Studies | 100 | ||
Computer | 50 | ||
Religion | 50 | ||
Art | 50 |
Class 5-8
Mid-Year & Final Exams
Subject | Marks |
English | 100 |
Urdu | 100 |
Maths | 100 |
Science | 100 |
S.Studies | 100 |
Computer | 50 |
Religion | 50 |
Art | 50 |
7th Tab: Syllabus for Admission Test 2023-24
- Kindly prepare your child to speak in English and follow the given instructions effectively.
- Kindly send your child with complete stationary ۔
- Maximum 50% marks in all subjects will be required.
For Class Nursery English:
- Write small letter (a – P)
- Match the letter with picture
- Write the first letter of picture
- Circle the correct letter
- Fill in the blanks
- Write number (0 – 30)
- Count and write
- Write the missing number
- Circle the correct number v Count and match
اردو :
“ا “سے “ش” تک حرو ف تہجی لکھیے، نقطے لگاٰ ئیں ، تصویر سے حرف ملائیں ، حرو ف کے گرد دائرہ لگائیں ، تصویر کا پہلا حرف لکھیں ، خالی جگہ پر کریں ۔
For Class Prep English:
- Write capital and small letters (Aa – Zz)
- Circle the correct letter of the picture
- Fill in the blanks, what come after, before and between
- Write the first letter of the picture
- Write two letter words (at, as, am, an, if, it, is)
- Write three words (bat, cat, hat, mast, sat, rat, fat, pat)
- Write number (0 – 100)
- Addition and subtraction sums
- Write in work (1 – 10)
- Back word counting (10 – 0) what comes after, before and between
- Count and write, count and match
” ا ” سے” ے ” تک لکھیے ، چھوٹی اشکال لکھیے (ب سے ے تک)، خالی جگہ پر کریں(” ا ” سے ” ے ” تک )، با سے یا تک لکھیئے تصویر کا پہلا حرف لکھیئے ، پہلے بعد ا ور درمیان میں کیا آتا ہے۔
For Class One
- Singular / Plural
- Write names of my two things each with the alphabets (a – Z)
- Make sentences
- Write opposites
- Names of five colors
- Name of five fruits
- Write in word (0 – 50) names of shapes
- What comes after and what comes before
- Tick the bigger number.
- Sums additions and subtraction sums
- Tables (2 – 3)
- Counting backwards & forwards (0 – 100)
اپنا نام لکھنا سکھیے ، جوڑ کے توڑ کریں ، جملے بنا یئں ، لفظی گنتی لکھیئے (ایک تا دس ) ، خالی جگہ پر کریں ،
” ا ” سے ” ے ” تک ہر حرف کے ساتھ دو دو الفا ظ لکھنا سکھیے ۔
For Class Two
- Write then sentences about Myself, My Mother, My Favorite fruit
- Make sentences
- Write the opposite
- Match the words with pictures
- Addition
- And subtraction sums
- Tables (2,3,4,5,6)
- Counting backwards 50 to 0
- Write in words 0 to 100 v Shapes names
اردو :
مضمون ” میرا تعارف ” ، ” میرا پسندیدہ پھل ” پھلوں کے نام ، رنگوں کے نام ، جوڑ توڑ ، ” ا ” سے ” ے ” تک دو دو الفاظ لکھیں
For Class Three
- Essay: My Self, My School
- Singular Plural, Masculine, Feminine, words sentences, definition of nouns, verb
- Simple Additions sums Subtraction sum, 2,3,4,5 time tables simple Multiplication
- Sum, shapes, greater than less than sums
- Human body, Parts of plants, living and Nonliving things. Fill in the blanks, M.C.Q’S , Label the diagram
اردو :
مضمون : ” میرا سکول، ” ” میری ذات” واحد جمع ، مذکر مونث ، الفاظ جملے ، فعل کی تعریف اور مثالیں ۔
For Class Four
- Essays My Self, My School, My Country
- Application for Sick leave
- Definition of adjective, Nouns, verb with three examples, Masculine & feminine singular plural, word opposite words sentence
- 3- digit addition sums, 2 digit subtractions answer, simple multiplication, simple division
- Tables, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, sums of greater and less than shapes time
- Name draws the five senses. Label the plants, matching, true and false M.C.Q.S
اردو :
مضمون : ” میرا وطن ” ، ” قائد اعظم ” ، درخواست برائے رخصت بیماری ، اسم کی تعریف ، فعل کی تعریف ، اسم صفت کی تعریف اور مثالیں ، واحد جمع، مذکر مونث۔
For Class Five
- Noun, verb, adjective, adverbs, adjective formation, noun formation, tenses Direct and indirect speech, Abbreviations comparing adjectives.
- Essay: My hobby, My School, School, Visit to Zoo
- Application: for sick leave letter to your father informing him about your student & comprehension
- Four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division) time, LCM and HCF, fraction, decimals, Angels making, definitions, area & perimeter
- The human body, Teeth, Food and balanced diet, pollination and fertilization Circuits and switches, forces and machines
ا ردو:
اسم،فعل ، حرف ، لفظ ا ور لفظ کی اقسام ، فعل کی اقسام زمانے کے لحاظ سے ، درخواست برائے ضروری کام ، والد کے نام خط) رقم منگوانے کے لئے ( ، واحد جمع ، مذکر مونث مضامین: کمپیوٹر کے فائدے ا ور نقصان ، چڑیا گھر کی سیر
For Class Six
- Noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, conjunctions, gender, singulars plurals, homophones, idioms, comprehensions, sentence making,
- Letter: A letter to your uncle to express thanks for his gift.
o A letter to a friend to ask about his health
- Application: for sick leave, Fee concession v Story: Honesty is the best policy
- Number: 8-digit number, lakh and crores or millions, addition, subtraction, Multiplication and direction
- HCF and LCM, Decimals, Fractions, Rounding off, percentages, Simplification with fraction, Algebra (Addition and Subtraction)
- Angels, Right, Acute, Obtuse, Reflex angles
- Building unit of human body, animal cell diagram
- Life cycles of animals
- The sun and the moon
- Air
- Electricity
- Light
- Forces
- Draw and label diagrams of human heart, brain, ozone layer, phases of the moon
ا ردو:
مضامین ” میرا بہترین دوست ” ، ” میرا پسند یدہ مشغلہ ” ، درخواست برائے ضروری کام ، الفاظ جملے ، واحد جمع ،
الفاظ مترادف ، الفاظ متضاد ، کلمہ کی اقسام ) اسم ، فعل ، حرف ، اسم کی اقسام( معنی کے لحاظ سے ) ، اسم معرفہ اسم نکرہ۔
For Class Seven
Parts of speech , Essay Writing , Gender, Singular Plural , Active Voice Passive voice , Antonyms / Synonyms , Comprehension , Story writing , Application , Sentence making , Tenses( Form of verb)
- Physical Quantities
- Plants growth and food chain
- Micro Organism
- Dissolving
- Force
- Changing circuit
- Factors and Multiples
- Integers
- Basic Algebra
- Ratio, rate and speed
- Basic Geometrical concepts and properties
ا ردو:
مضامین ، درخواست ، خطوط ، الفاظ متضاد ، الفاظ مترا دفات ، ہم معنی الفاظ ، محاورات ، جملے بنائیں ، کہانیاں ،
جملوں کی درستگی ، تفہیم
For Class Eight
Part of Speech, Gender, Singular Plurals, Active voice passive voice Tenses (form of verb) synonyms, creative writing, Essay Writing, Application, story Writing, letter writing comprehension
- From Cells to organisms
- Classifying plants and Animals
- Elements and compounds
- Solutions
- Electrical Circuits
- Multiplication
- Fractions
- Percentage
- Division
- Areas of Red angles
ا ردو:
مضامین ، درخواست ، خطوط ، الفاظ متضاد ، محاورات، جملے بنائیں ، کہانیاں ، جملوں کی درستگی ، الفاظ مترادفات ، تفہیم
For Class Nine
English Book
- Part of Speech, Gender, Singular Plurals, Active voice passive voice Tenses (form of verb) synonyms, creative writing, Essay Writing, Application, story Writing, letter writing comprehension
- From Cells to organisms
- Classifying plants and Animals
- Elements and compounds
- Solutions
- Electrical Circuits
- Multiplication OF Variables
- Fractions
- Percentage/ Ratio
- Areas of Red angles
- Geometry
- Linear Equation Solution
اردو: ضامین ، درخواست ، خطوط ، محاورات کا جملوں میں استعمال ، تفہیم ، مکالمہ نویسی