

YEAR 2023 TO 2024


The following roles and duties apply to all the departmental Coordinators and Teachers.


  • Departmental Coordinator strictly has to follow the Tentative Calendar. The Departmental Coordinator has to plan the literary activates according to the plan given and should inform the relevant teachers and the SET Department accordingly,
  • Departmental Coordinator has to ensure, that the activities he/she has planned, should not clashes with the dates of others department’s activities.


  • The relevant teacher may be the subject teacher or the class in-charge, who is responsible to conduct the competition. The role of the relevant teacher is to motivate and prepare the students for the competition.


  • It is also duty of the relevant teacher to take corrective measures for those students who show no interest at all, in any activity. These measures should be recorded and kept in child’s record for review by the coordinator, parents or principal whenever required.


  • School’s Literary Activity In-Charge (SET) has to check all planned dates of activities submitted by all the coordinators, to rectify and suggest changes in case of any clashes and unmanageable schedules.
  • One of the SET member has to be physically present in all the literary activities conducted in all the departments.
  • It’s SET Department job to appoint judges for all the literary competitions held in the school. There will be two judges to judge the competition, one will be, the relevant subject teacher, and the other will also be from the school, appointed by the SET Department.
  • SET has to prepare the files for the judges with prescribed formats that the judges may evaluate the competition on those formats.
  • SET has to collect the results of the competition to keep the record for the reward and recognition purposes.
  • SET has to arrange the distribution of prizes.
  • SET has to send the results to principal for approval to upload on the School Website.
  • When the Principal approves, the email is sent to the IT Department to upload the results on the class websites.



  • All students must take part in 4 activities in a year.
  • Students will select one activity from Set-A and another activity from Set-B for first and second term.
  • Selection of the activity will be done one by the student and other by the class teacher.
  • The annual plan of the activities should be shared with parents through website And should be in class notice board.
  • Activities will be selected in two terms as mentioned in each term accordingly.
  • Class teacher conducts the first term competition along with the other designated teacher assigned by the set department.

To qualify for a Trophy/shield, the student must have secured at least 80% in the competition.


All the competitions for Montessori Classes start in the month of September, Following are the competitions:







For poetry competition, students are observed and evaluated in the following areas:

  • Reciting the poem with Actions
  • Pronunciation
  • Rhythm
  • All the students participate.
  • Students are instructed by the arts teacher for the topic assigned for the competition. Students are informed beforehand for that.
  • Marking Criteria for Poster Competition:
  • Colouring Neatness
  • The way the students colour
  • Colouring within the image
  • Selection of colour combinations (observation)
  • Closeness to the reality
  • Imagination


For English Handwriting competition, students are observed and evaluated on:

  • Block handwriting pattern
  • Formation within the four lines and
  • Sequence of spacing


For Urdu handwriting competition, students are observed and evaluated on:

  • Formation within the four lines and
  • Sequence of spacing



For English reading competition, students are observed and evaluated on:

  • Pronunciation
  • Standing Posture
  • Confidence


Set A

Set B

Urdu Poetry

English Poetry

English Handwriting

Urdu Handwriting

Urdu Spelling Bee

English Spelling Bee

English Reading

Urdu Reading



ENGLISH READING                                                                                

Pause on full stops





Basic Rules:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word in each.

Round 1 🙁 individual) (spell 2 words)

Round 2: (Group discussion) (spell 2 words)

Round 3: (unsuspected) (spell 1 word)

  • During the contest, each participant will have to spellout 5 (five) words given by the pronouncer. Participants are not allowed to hold any writing tools.
  • The speller listens carefully to the pronouncer and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
  • When a studentis ready to spell a word, he should first say the word to be spelled, and then spell it out. When he is finished spelling the word.
  • If the spelling is incorrect, that speller is eliminated from the contest in second round.
  • When there are only two spellers left in class, if one player misspelled a word, the other player must spell that word correctly to be declared the winner of the spelling Bee.

ENGLISH POETRY                                                                                   

The student is assessed on:

Actions or props

Words clarity-rendering

Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme



ENGLISH HANDWRITING                                                                     

  • The student is marked on:

Use of School Handwriting

Formation of letters (that words are clearly writing)

Spacing between the words

Use of capital letter after full stop

URDU SPELLING BEE                                                                             

Basic Rules:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word in each.

Round 1 🙁 individual) (spell 2 words)

Round 2: (Group discussion) (spell 2 words)

Round 3: (unsuspected) (spell 1 word)

  • During the contest, each participant will have to spellout 5 (five) words given by the pronouncer. Participants are not allowed to hold any writing tools.
  • The speller listens carefully to the pronouncer and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
  • When a studentis ready to spell a word, he should first say the word to be spelled, and then spell it out. When he is finished spelling the word.
  • If the spelling is incorrect, that speller is eliminated from the contest in second round.
  • When there are only two spellers left in class, if one player misspelled a word, the other player must spell that word correctly to be declared the winner of the spelling Bee.

URDU HANDWRITNG                                                                             

  • The student is marked on:

Use of School Handwriting

Formation of letters (that words are clearly writing)

Spacing between the words


  • The student is assessed on:
  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation


                               Following are the competitions conducted at class one:



  E.R= English  READING


U.R= Urdu Reading



U.P= Urdu poetry



U.S.B= Urdu Spelling Bee



M.M= Mental Math



ENGLISH READING                                                                                

  • The student is marked on:

Pause on full stops




ENGLISH SPELLING BEE                                                                       

Basic Rules:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word in each.

Round 1 🙁 individual) (spell 2 words)

Round 2: (Group discussion) (spell 2 words)

Round 3: (unsuspected) (spell 1 word)

  • During the contest, each participant will have to spellout 5 (five) words given by the pronouncer. Participants are not allowed to hold any writing tools.
  • The speller listens carefully to the pronouncer and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
  • When a studentis ready to spell a word, he should first say the word to be spelled, and then spell it out. When he is finished spelling the word.
  • If the spelling is incorrect, that speller is eliminated from the contest in second round.
  • When there are only two spellers left in class, if one player misspelled a word, the other player must spell that word correctly to be declared the winner of the spelling Bee.


ENGLISH POETRY                                                                                   

The student is assessed on:

  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation


URDU SPELLING BEE                                                                             

Basic Rules:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word in each.

Round 1 🙁 individual) (spell 2 words)

Round 2: (Group discussion) (spell 2 words)

Round 3: (unsuspected) (spell 1 word)

  • During the contest, each participant will have to spellout 5 (five) words given by the pronouncer. Participants are not allowed to hold any writing tools.
  • The speller listens carefully to the pronouncer and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
  • When a studentis ready to spell a word, he should first say the word to be spelled, and then spell it out. When he is finished spelling the word.
  • If the spelling is incorrect, that speller is eliminated from the contest in second round.
  • When there are only two spellers left in class, if one player misspelled a word, the other player must spell that word correctly to be declared the winner of the spelling Bee.


URDU POETRY                                                                                    

  • The student is assessed on:
  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation


URDU READING                                                                                 

  • The student is marked on:
  • Pause on full stops
  • Pronunciation
  • Fluency
  • Posture


MENTAL MATHS COMPETITION                                                   

  • The source of question is assigned by the SET Department. The student is assessed on the marks of the each round.
  • For all the competition.

1st Round     3 questions each

2nd Round    3 questions each

3rd Round     3 questions each

And after that, one question per round will be asked until the winner is selected.

    POSTER COMPETITION                                                                     

  • All the students participate in the Preliminary Round.

Students are instructed by the arts teacher for the topic assigned for the competition. Students are informed beforehand for that

Marking Criteria for Poster Competition:

  • Colouring Neatness
  • The way the students colour
  • Colouring within the image
  • Selection of colour combinations (observation)
  • Closeness to the reality

Primary Department (2-5 GRO)

Set-A                                      Set-B 

U.P= Urdu Poetry                                       E.S= English Poetry

E.S= English Speech                                   E.S= Urdu Speech

SING= Singing                                              E.S.B= English Spelling Bee

M.M= Mental Math                                   G.K= General Knowledge 


Criteria& Rules

URDU POETRY                                                                                    

  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation



  • Content
  • Voice and fluency
  • Expression
  • Eye contact and body language
  • Time


  • Speech time should be 2 to 3 minutes
  • Paper reading will not be allowed.
  • Voice and pronunciation should be very clear
  • Topics will be given by SET according to current situation one week before the contest.


  • Rhythm
  • Tune
  • Expression
  • Poetry
  • Clarity of words


  • The songs at this level are chosen by the students themselves (with appropriate lyrics) but music is organized by the appointed music teacher.
  • Students are given a time period to coordinate with the music teacher to rehearse their songs
  • They also have a choice to either practice their songs on a karaoke or an instrumental piece of music

MENTAL MATHS COMPETITION                                                        

  • The source of question is assigned by the SET Department. The student is assessed on the marks of the each round.
  • For all the competition.

1st Round     3 questions each

2nd Round    3 questions each

3rd Round     3 questions each

And after that, one question per round will be asked until the winner is selected.

ENGLISH POETRY                                                                                   

The student is assessed on:

  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation


  • Content
  • Voice and fluency
  • Expression
  • Eye contact and body language
  • Time


  • Speech time should be 2 to 3 minutes
  • Paper reading will not be allowed.
  • Voice and pronunciation should be very clear
  • Topics will be given by SET according to current situation one week before the contest.


Basic Rules:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word in each.

Round 1 🙁 individual) (spell 2 words)

Round 2: (Group discussion) (spell 2 words)

Round 3: (unsuspected) (spell 1 word)

  • During the contest, each participant will have to spellout 5 (five) words given by the pronouncer. Participants are not allowed to hold any writing tools.
  • The speller listens carefully to the pronouncer and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
  • When a studentis ready to spell a word, he should first say the word to be spelled, and then spell it out. When he is finished spelling the word.
  • If the spelling is incorrect, that speller is eliminated from the contest in second round.
  • When there are only two spellers left in class, if one player misspelled a word, the other player must spell that word correctly to be declared the winner of the spelling Bee.


General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various mediums and sources.

To prepare for the competition, students need to learn random facts about a wide range of topics.

  • The source of question is assigned by the SET Department. The student is assessed on the marks of the each round.
  • For all the competition

1st Round          3 questions each (Group Discussion)

2nd Round         3 questions each (individual)

And after that, one question per round will be asked until the winner is selected.

  • The team members can discuss before giving the answer. If a team cannot answer a question they can pass it or after 30 seconds it gets automatically passed to the next team. If a team is answering a question and the time passes, then the team gets to complete the answer and is awarded points for the right answer.

Middle Department (6-8 GRO)

Set-A                                                                          Set-B

U.P= Urdu Poetry                                                   E.P= English Poetry

E.S= English Speech                                               U.S= Urdu Speech

SING= Singing Competition                               E.S.B= English Spelling Bee

G.K= General Knowledge                        Debate


Criteria& Rules


URDU POETRY                                                                                    

  • The student is assessed on:
  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation




  • Content
  • Voice and fluency
  • Expression
  • Eye contact and body language
  • Time


  • Speech time should be 2 to 3 minutes
  • Paper reading will not be allowed.
  • Voice and pronunciation should be very clear
  • Topics will be given by SET according to current situation one week before the contest.



  • Rhythm
  • Tune
  • Expression
  • Poetry
  • Clarity of words


General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various mediums and sources.

To prepare for the competition, students need to learn random facts about a wide range of topics.

  • The source of question is assigned by the SET Department. The student is assessed on the marks of the each round.
  • For all the competition

1st Round          3 questions each (Group Discussion)

2nd Round         3 questions each (individual)

And after that, one question per round will be asked until the winner is selected.

  • The team members can discuss before giving the answer. If a team cannot answer a question they can pass it or after 30 seconds it gets automatically passed to the next team. If a team is answering a question and the time passes, then the team gets to complete the answer and is awarded points for the right answer.


ENGLISH POETRY                                                                                   

The student is assessed on:

  • Actions or props
  • Words clarity-rendering
  • Tone of voice-intonation/ rhyme
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation




  • Content
  • Voice and fluency
  • Expression
  • Eye contact and body language
  • Time


  • Speech time should be 2 to 3 minutes
  • Paper reading will not be allowed.
  • Voice and pronunciation should be very clear
  • Topics will be given by SET according to current situation one week before the contest.



Basic Rules:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word in each.

Round 1 🙁 individual) (spell 2 words)

Round 2: (Group discussion) (spell 2 words)

Round 3: (unsuspected) (spell 1 word)

  • During the contest, each participant will have to spellout 5 (five) words given by the pronouncer. Participants are not allowed to hold any writing tools.
  • The speller listens carefully to the pronouncer and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
  • When a studentis ready to spell a word, he should first say the word to be spelled, and then spell it out. When he is finished spelling the word.
  • If the spelling is incorrect, that speller is eliminated from the contest in second round.
  • When there are only two spellers left in class, if one player misspelled a word, the other player must spell that word correctly to be declared the winner of the spelling Bee.



                     Relevant English and Urdu subject teachers meet Matric coordinator to plan debates for every new session.

                    All the students are asked to bring their debate either in favour or against the given topic for that session.

  • Organization and Clarity:
  • Use of Arguments
  • Use of Examples and Facts
  • Use of Rebuttal
  • Presentation Style

High Department (9-10 GRO)

Set-A                                                                          Set-B

Debates                                                                    E.S= English Speech

U.L.W= Urdu Letter Writing                                E.L.W= English Letter Writing

E.E.W= English Essay Writing                              U.E.W= Urdu Essay Writing

C.T= Computer Typing                                         G.K= General Knowledge


Criteria& Rules

DEBATES                                                                                                                                  Relevant English and Urdu subject teachers meet Matric coordinator to plan debates for every new session.

                    All the students are asked to bring their debate either in favour or against the given topic for that session.

  • Organization and Clarity:
  • Use of Arguments
  • Use of Examples and Facts
  • Use of Rebuttal
  • Presentation Style


English &Urdu letter writing

Relevant English & Urdu subject teachers will plan this activity.

  • Students have to write a letter on the assigned topic.



Relevant English & Urdu subject teachers will plan this activity.

  • Students have to write an essay on the assigned topic.



  • Content
  • Voice and fluency
  • Expression
  • Eye contact and body language
  • Time


  • Speech time should be 2 to 3 minutes
  • Paper reading will not be allowed.
  • Voice and pronunciation should be very clear
  • Topics will be given by SET according to current situation one week before the contest.


Computer Typing

Relevant computer teacher will plan this activity.



General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various mediums and sources.

To prepare for the competition, students need to learn random facts about a wide range of topics.

  • The source of question is assigned by the SET Department. The student is assessed on the marks of the each round.
  • For all the competition

1st Round          3 questions each (Group Discussion)

2nd Round         3 questions each (individual)

And after that, one question per round will be asked until the winner is selected.

  • The team members can discuss before giving the answer. If a team cannot answer a question they can pass it or after 30 seconds it gets automatically passed to the next team. If a team is answering a question and the time passes, then the team gets to complete the answer and is awarded points for the right answer.

Special Activities

  • Arts & Crafts


  • Content according to topics
  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Area /space
  • Texture/Color


  • Music Gala


The Music Gala will be based on fluency, action, pronunciation and performance.

  • Stage Presence/Audience Communication.
  • Vocal Quality.
  • Rhythmic Interpretation.
  • Song Choice/Song Prep.


Music Gala will be arranged by SET once in three months.